Radio Commands

Commands :

  1. To setup funky's radio :

Use /radio set <group> [voice-channel [stage-channel] command.

  1. To stop funky's radio :

Use /radio unset command.

  1. To update funky's radio :

Use /radio update [voice-channel [stage-channel] command.

  1. To add a group :

Use /radio add <group> command.

  1. To remove a group :

Use /radio remove <group> command.

  1. To list all groups in server radio playlist :

Use /radio list command.

  1. Incase radio stops playing or you want to randomize the playlist

Use /radio refresh command. This command has 10 minutes cooldown.

  1. To skip current playing track :

Use /radio skip command.

  1. To view current playing track :

Use /radio current command.

  1. To view upcoming five track :

Use /radio upcoming command.

When the playlist ends, funky shuffles the playlist. So, if you run the command just before the shuffle it may just show current track.

Last updated